WordPress Plugin Tutorial For Beginners (Step By Step Overview)

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Here Is A Simple Overview Below On WordPress Plugins For Beginners In WordPress.

What is a plugin on WordPress?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that “plugs into” your WordPress site. Plugins can add new functionality or extend existing functionality on your site, allowing you to create virtually any kind of website, from ecommerce stores to portfolios to directory sites.

What are WordPress plugins used for?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that “plugs into” your WordPress site. Plugins can add new functionality or extend existing functionality on your site, allowing you to create virtually any kind of website, from ecommerce stores to portfolios to directory sites.

Why are plugins used?

Why Are Plugins Used? Plugins are used to extend or add functionality to your website. For example, if you want to sell products or take donations on your site, you’re going to need a plugin to handle that.

How do I download plugins?

Download the plugin to your computer, then log in to your WP admin area and go to Plugins – Add New. Browse to the plugin archive and select it. Then click Install Now and the plugin will be installed shortly. The removal is also straight-forward in most cases.

Where are WordPress plugins stored?

/wp-content/plugins/ folder

All WordPress plugins you download and install on your site are stored in /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

How do I install plugins?

Follow these steps:

1. Browse to the “Plugins” menu page and then click the “Add New” button to search for plugins.
2. Once you find a plugin, click the “Install Now” button to download and install it.
3. Once the plugin is installed, activate it from the “Install Plugins” page. You can also deactivate it later if you wish.

In this WordPress Plugin Tutorial, we will explain WordPress Plugins For Beginners.

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